Labor-management Communication

Channels for the Communication of the Employee and Employer
Compal has long implemented a clear communication channel and negotiation mechanism for the purpose of building a positive working environment. We widely take the employees’suggestions and handle them actively. Compal establishes its policies not only in compliance with the law but addresses employees' interests as well. Compal has implemented the following communication channels to enable two-way communication and better relations between employees and the employer:

Cases are sent to subordinate units for processing within 24 hours of being received then assigned to the dedicated unit for action. At the same time, we have also formulated the“Management Procedure Document for Protecting Whistleblowers and Putting an End to Fighting Against Protection” to protect complaints from the threat of retaliation in accordance with the procedure. Please refer to the Employee Code of Conduct, which regulates the whistle-blowing process and the protection of whistleblowers from retaliation.

Employee Code of Conduct of Compal
According to the “Procedure Governing Employees’ Freedom of Association and Rights to Collective Bargaining”, some plants have set up labor negotiation units and scheduling negotiation conferences, which are attended by representatives of labor and management to discuss labor disputes, employee welfare, collective contracts and other related matters. Some plants adopt regular audit and review, and e-mail to discuss matters, so there is no regular physical meeting.
If employees would like to complain about the situation that happened in Compal, such as human resources system, occupation, employee benefits, and forced labor, discrimination, sexual harassment and so on of any unreasonable incidents, they can report via following internal website or e-mail, we commit to the confidentiality and prevent retaliation:

1. Compal's staff information Network website: http://tpewww/Compal/Tpe/adm/empinfo/suggestion.html
2. Contact Window for Staffs:
3. Complaints of Sexual Harassment 

Special Cases in 2023

2023 External Communication Channels

If employCompal values the input and opinions of all stakeholders and we have provided relevant grievance channels and mechanisms for stakeholders to implement relevant verification and handling of all grievances and complaints in the hopes of listening to different opinions. Stakeholders of our company can use the following e-mail to complain or report, whether be named or unnamed, will be accepted.




Ethical management, various channels for whistleblowing and supplier communication

Reporting of corruption, issues of business reputation or human rights violations and so forth.

Channel for customer communication

Clarifications for customer inquiries and collaborations and so forth  

Channel for investor communications

Investor related questions

ESG Office

Sustainability Issues and Collaborations

Updated on July 18, 2024