Human Rights Protection and Health Care

The Chairman of  Compal, Rock Hsu, always says: "People are the foundation of an organization; without the people, an organization would cease to function." Compal has always adopted a "people-oriented" philosophy and believes that employees are the Company’s strategic partner. Only when employees grow on a continuous basis may the Company sustain its business. The structural changes that an organization makes in response to global trends also require the support from all levels of employees in order to succeed.
Recruitment and Human Rights Protection 
Compal abides local laws and regulations in all countries and regions where we operate, also upholds the human rights of all employees of Compal. We respect the human and labor rights of our employees by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Ten Principles of The United Nations Global Compact.  We also align our actions with the RBA and its Code of Conduct.
The Headquarters of Compal Taiwan, overseas production centers have committed themselves to recruit employees solely based on personal character, ability, and match with the duties assigned. Under no circumstances would the Company allow different treatment for race, ethnicity, social status, lineage, religion, disability, gender, sexual preference, family attachment, marital status, political association, age, or any other form of discrimination. The Headquarters and the plants in each area have all established the management process document of “Regulation for No Enforcement, Discrimination, and Harassment".
Also, Compal's Taiwan Headquarters, overseas production centers all assure employees the right to work free of retaliation, threat, and indebted labor. Employees are entitled to freedom of resigning from their current employment, provided that advance notice and all necessary procedures are completed in accordance with local regulations.
If the employees encounter any threat, abuse, exploitation, or coercive intercourse at work, they can report any illegal matter anonymously through the “Ethical Officer” complaint mailbox. Employees may file complaints in accordance with "Regulations for Prevention, Correction, Complaint, and Punishment of Sexual Harassment at Workplace" for any sexual harassment, whether in the form of body gesture, verbal, or body contact. Compal provides a sexual harassment complaint mailbox and hotline on the intranet to assure employees that all complaints are properly handled. For child labor and underaged workers, none of our plants has violated pertinent regulations on child labor in 2020. In addition, we have also asked all collaborating suppliers to sign the “Commitment of Compliance to RBA’s Code of Conduct”, which explicitly forbids the employment of child labor or forced labor and protects the rights of underaged workers. Any suppliers found to have violated RBA’s Code of Conduct will be reported to senior management for disciplinary actions to be taken.
Compal Human Rights Policy:
Compal Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy:
Employee contact
Attendance System and Forbiddance of Forced Labor
All employees are protected by a collective barging agreement at the time they sign their contracts of employment. The company plans its attendance system according to local laws and regulations. Employees are offered unpaid leave, illness leave, family care leave, menstrual leave, wedding/funeral leave, maternity leave, paternity leave, parental leave, special leave, and compensatory leave. Employees are given the flexibility to take leaves of absence as needed without worries. Compal asks each plant to follow the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) to establish the labor policy. The “Document of Working Hours and Remuneration Management Procedure” and “Regulation for No Enforcement, Discrimination, and Harassment” were established regarding the working hours, and forced labor is strictly forbidden. Compal also pays constant attention to employees' physical and mental state, work performance and family life, and strives to create a healthy, safe, comfortable, and fully equipped work environment.
Living Wage Commitment
Compal supports United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. Compal compensates employees in full compliance with regulations, and supports the concept of paying living wage that can provide decent standards of living for employees and their families. Compal commits to paying living wage to employees by 2030, and continuously explore opportunities to extend the same concept to our contractors and suppliers.

Compal Living Wage Commitment

Salary and Reward
Compal has defined work rules and HR management regulations that encompass employee compensation, work hours, leave, pension payments, labor and national health insurance payments, and compensation for occupational injuries in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Standards Act. Employee compensation at Compal is based on the principle of equal pay for equal work and job performance. Compensation is also adjusted for education, experience, grade, job title, and the nature of the work. There is also profit sharing for employees based on annual profits. Employee compensation generally includes 12 months of salary, and mid-year bonus. Annual bonuses and salary adjustments of 2 ~ 4% are also issued based on the Company’s operating results and an employee’s personal performance. In accordance with the Compal Articles of Incorporation, the Company is required to allocate no less than 2% of its net profit before tax (prior to the deduction of remuneration for employees and directors) towards employees’ remuneration. The aforementioned bonuses, wage adjustments and employee remunerations are to be reviewed by Compal’s Remuneration Committee before submitting to the Board of Directors for approval. Compal’s remuneration policy is linked to individual ability, contributions to the Company, performance, and operating results. The “Mean Salary”declared by Compal in 2023 for full-time, non-managerial employees (excluding directors and managers) came to NT$ 1,402,000Note. Median salary was NT$1,255,000.
Ratio of Male / Female Salary to Remuneration
Item Employee   Level 2023
Base Salary Executive   level 1: 0.91
Management level 1: 0.80
Non- Management level 1: 0.96
Base Salary
+ Other Cash Incentives
Executive level 1: 0.82
Management level 1: 0.74
Note1: Executive level are VP, Director and above.  Note2: Include Taiwan, China, and Vietnam employees.
Employee Benefits and Activities

Employees are an important asset to the Company so taking care of employees in one of our top priorities. Compal not only provides employees with various benefits but also hosts activities that encourage employees to be happy in their work and enjoy the good things in life. In addition to subsidies for marriage, bereavement, childbirth, emergency assistance, and holiday bonuses (gift vouchers), Taipei operations also has contracts with HESS, O.U.R.S., Kojen Preschool, and Taipei Children Welfare Center to provide kindergarten, daycare and after-school care services for employees with children aged between 2 ~ 12. Plants offer employees production bonuses as well as marriage, bereavement, travel subsidies and birthday gift vouchers. To promote team cohesion, we subsidize departmental social gatherings, employee birthday parties, and sporting competitions that help employees find a balance in their work, realize happiness at work and enjoyment of life, so that they can create even more value and a sense of achievement.

Each plant plans its own activities in accordance with local festivals and demands of employees

The details of the activities in 2023 are shown as below:


Electronic coupons for birthdays, Labor Day, Mid-Autumn Festival, and Dragonboat Festival; lifestyle and entertainment subsidies; arts & literature, marriage, childbirth, bereavement, and emergency assistance subsidies; scholarships (employee continuing education scholarship/dependents education scholarship), end of year party, family day, corporate child care, Employee Assistance Plan (EAP), music salons, Women Power and Ferns art exhibition, talent and comedy show, fun challenges, and sporting competitions.
Dinner or lunch gatherings/reunion events, model employee award presentation, New Year tickets, year-end parties, spring tourism trip, sports contest, birthday parties etc.

Holiday activities: Children’s Day - Drawing competition, Women’s Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Christmas activities.

Vietnam Holiday gift coupons, childbirth bonus, subsidies for travel, arts and culture, subsidies for marriage, funerals, and emergency assistance, corporate child care services.
USA Employee Picnic, Thanksgiving Banquet, Christmas Banquet, Employee of the Month, Attendance Bonus.
Childbirth Incentive and Unpaid Parental Leave 
In response to the government's birth incentive policy and to boost up birth rate in Taiwan, Compal has been offering a subsidy of NT$66,000 for every child that employees of the Taiwan Headquarters have given birth to since 2011. The incentive has also been expanded to employees’ spouses and their children. With the support of Chairman Hsu, the Company has paid out NT$ 226.31 million in subsidies for a total of 3,429 newborn babies between 2011 and 2023. Compal also contracted with child care institutions to provide more child care options at discounted prices and reduce the burden on employees.
Flexible working hours and work-life balance
All Compal plants around the world offer flex-time and child/family care leave based on local conditions to help employees achieve work-life balance and improve their quality of work. All global plants also offer suitable breastfeeding locations and breaks so that female employees can balance their work and child-rearing.
Flexible Working Hours and Work-Life Balance
Flexible Working Hours

In Taiwan, employees can choose to start between 7:30 AM and 9:00AM; at the Chengdu and Chongqing plants, managers can set their own start/finish times to satisfy their attendance requirements for the day; at the Brazil plant, employees can set their own start/finish times to satisfy their attendance requirements for the week.

Part-time Working Options

In Taiwan, some positions offer employees the option of working part-time for the Company. Employees in Taiwan and at the Chongqing Plant may also apply to work on a part-time basis for a certain period of time to meet their family obligations.

Paid Parental Leave  In line with the Taiwan government's policy of parental leave, primary and secondary caregivers may apply for up to 6 months of childcare leave and receive a childcare stipend in accordance with government regulations. Primary and secondary caregivers at Kunshan, Chengdong, Chengdu, and Nanjing plants are entitled to 10 days of paid parental leave annually until their children reach the age of three; in Vietnam, employees are entitled to 1 hour of paid childcare leave each day; in Brazil, the primary and secondary caregivers are entitled to 20 days of paid childcare leave a year.
Paid Family or Care Leave

In Taiwan, employees are entitled to 3 days of paid companionship leave. Managers also receive an additional 7 days of paid family leave. Employees at the Kunshan, Chengdong and Nanjing plants who are the only-child are entitled to 5 days of paid nursing leave a year if their parents are hospitalized and over 60 years old.

Breast-Feeding/Lactation Facilities or Benefits

In Taiwan, China, and Vietnam, employees have 60 minutes of breast-feeding (expressing) time each day. If an employee is nursing multiple babies, Kunshan Plant offers an additional 30 minutes per baby, while Chengdu Plant offers an additional 60 minutes of breast-feeding time; in Brazil, employees are entitled to two breastfeeding (expressing) breaks a day at a time of their own choosing.

Remote Working Plan

Employees in Taiwan and at the Chongqing Plant may apply to work remotely if they are unable to commute due to special circumstances.

*Note: Managers refer to employees above the grade of section manager.

Pension Ratio
Labor pension regulations specifying the retirement criteria for employees, pension schedule, application process and payments have been defined by Taiwan Headquarters to help employees enjoy a comfortable retirement. A Labor Pension Reserve Fund Supervision Committee was also established. Monthly contributions are made to the labor pension reserve fund deposited with the Bank of Taiwan in accordance with the Regulations for the Allocation and Management of Workers’ Retirement Reserve to protect employee rights. The government’s new pension regulations were introduced in parallel from July 1, 2005 onwards. For employees that qualify under the new law, a contribution equal to 6% of their salary is paid to the employee’s personal pension account each month; if voluntary pension contributions were made and then monthly deductions at rate of the voluntary contributions are made by the Company and paid into their personal pension account at Bureau of Labor Insurance.
Health Care
To take care of the health of the employees, the infirmary in the Headquarters of Compal has sphygmomanometers, weight scales, body fat monitors, and beds. We also have medical professionals for urgent illness/injuries handling and healthcare counseling. In addition, we have a doctor in the plant offering healthcare counseling for employees and giving healthcare suggestions to employees with high health risks every week. Health promotion activities include health seminars, blood donation events, weight control class, first-aid training, and health checkups. To enable employees to manage their own health status, the “Compal Healthcare” cellphone app, which was developed internally, is available for employees. Through daily health management, we provide our employees with a health consciousness to build a healthy working environment.
EAP (Employee Assistant Plan) coaching in Taiwan
Modern people suffer from both work and family pressure. The pressure of social environment causes psychological, physiological and social problems, which leads to a lot of "pressure", "anxiety" and "uneasiness". Compal has introduced the EAP program to strengthen the physical and mental health care of employees. We also cooperate with external professional consultants to provide physical and mental support and assistance. In 2022, the statistics of use for consultation hotline: 1467 person-times in total, and the annual total hours accumulated for personal consultation were 220. Three EAP seminars were held in 2020 with an attempt to assist employees and supervisors so that they can reduce the barriers of communication and interaction in work and management, helping operation of organization much smoother. However, due to the epidemic outbreak in 2022, the seminar was suspended.
2023 Employee Well-Being Survey in Taiwan and China 

To provide employees sound development in their careers and realize a physiological and psychological well-being workplace, we began conducting the Employee Happiness Survey in 2022. The targets and results of related investigations and analyses are also published. To ensure the investigation and analysis findings can be compared horizontally (between groups/units) and vertically (between years), the survey’s structure, questions and analytical methods all adhered to consistent principles. The questions are designed using published academic papers/periodicals. Comparative analysis is also conducted for discrepancies between groups to further enhance the effectiveness of the survey. 

In 2023, average score from the Employee Well-Being Survey was 72.92. This time, we recovered 23,386 survey responses and received 23,290 valid responses. The effective recovery rate was 99.6%. The recovery rate for valid responses in each survey has been set as over 85% to ensure the confidence interval and relevance of the statistical analysis results.

Through the analysis of related projects, the Company is able to monitor the current happiness of employees and set improvement targets for next year (the target for 2024 is set as 74). The corresponding improvements were then conducted as planned. For improvement plans aimed at employee happiness, the Company selected the three topics with the lowest satisfaction from the survey findings for in-depth analysis to identify the groups that people with low satisfaction belong to (married or single, male or female). Improvement suggestions are then proposed to review and follow-up. These embodied the importance of employee suggestions to the Company, and the commitment to building a happy and sound workplace.

■ Survey content  and scale
In this survey, the survey questions are divided into four indicators including “Happiness”, “Purpose”, “Satisfaction” and “Stress.” The four indicators were used to analyze employee happiness at work. Survey scoring scale was divided into: Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Acceptable, Agree, and Strongly Agree. The corresponding scores ranged from 1 for Strongly Disagree to 5 for Strongly Agree. There are 20 questions and the total score is out of 100.

■ Analysis of 2023 Employee Well-Being

Updated on July 23, 2024