investor relations

monthly sales

Unit: NT$mn

2024 2023 MoM (%) YoY (%)
January 64,059 62,723 -7.9 2.1
February 57,522 66,983 -10.2 -14.1
March 77,990 79,752 35.6 -2.2
1Q 199,571 209,458 -17.4 -4.7
April 77,265 79,008 -0.9 -2.2
May 77,287 83,243 0.0 -7.2
June 82,657 81,620 6.9 1.3
2Q 237,209 243,871 18.9 -2.7
July 76,440 84,847 -7.5 -9.9
August 84,111 81,737 10.0 2.9
September 85,131
3Q 251,715
October 87,494
November 84,640
December 69,538
4Q 241,672
Annual 946,715 --
2023 2022 MoM (%) YoY (%)
January 62,723 82,650 -13.5 -24.1
February 66,983 82,444 6.8 -18.8
March 79,752 102,764 19.1 -22.4
1Q 209,458 267,858 -15.8 -21.8
April 79,008 53,921 -0.9 46.5
May 83,243 89,268 5.4 -6.7
June 81,620 122,461 -1.9 -33.4
2Q 243,871 265,650 16.4 -8.2
July 84,847 97,631 4.0 -13.1
August 81,737 88,842 -3.7 -8.0
September 85,131 104,559 4.2 -18.6
3Q 251,715 291,032 3.2 -13.5
October 87,494 94,847 2.8 -7.8
November 84,640 81,337 -3.3 4.1
December 69,538 72,523 -17.8 -4.1
4Q 241,672 248,707 -4.0 -2.8
Annual 946,715 1,073,246 -- -11.8
2022 2021 MoM (%) YoY (%)
January 82,650 91,178 -35.3 -9.4
February 82,444 70,666 -0.2 16.7
March 102,764 108,148 24.6 -5.0
1Q 267,858 269,992 -27.2 -0.8
April 53,921 89,350 -47.5 -39.7
May 89,268 80,202 65.6 11.3
June 122,461 91,440 37.2 33.9
2Q 265,650 260,992 -0.8 1.8
July 97,631 107,988 -20.3 -9.6
August 88,842 102,386 -9.0 -13.2
September 104,559 126,489 17.7 -17.3
3Q 291,032 336,863 9.6 -13.6
October 94,847 116,835 -9.3 -18.8
November 81,337 123,292 -14.2 -34.0
December 72,523 127,709 -10.8 -43.2
4Q 248,707 367,836 -14.5 -32.4
Annual 1,073,246 1,235,682 -- -13.1
2021 2020 MoM (%) YoY (%)
January 91,178 61,766 -20.3 47.6
February 70,666 39,510 -22.5 78.9
March 108,148 80,771 53.0 33.9
1Q 269,992 182,047 -19.2 48.3
April 89,350 94,305 -17.4 -5.3
May 80,202 87,650 -10.2 -8.5
June 91,440 81,698 14.0 11.9
2Q 260,992 263,653 -3.3 -1.0
July 107,988 89,771 18.1 20.3
August 102,386 83,953 -5.2 22.0
September 126,489 95,517 23.5 32.4
3Q 336,863 269,241 29.1 25.1
October 116,835 112,735 -7.6 3.6
November 123,292 106,871 5.5 15.4
December 127,709 114,381 3.6 11.7
4Q 367,836 333,987 9.2 10.1
Annual 1,235,682 1,048,929 -- 17.8
2020 2019 MoM (%) YoY (%)
January 61,766 70,122 -24.8 -11.9
February 39,510 54,351 -36.0 -27.3
March 80,771 86,126 104.4 -6.2
1Q 182,047 210,599 -31.9 -13.6
April 94,305 81,821 16.8 15.3
May 87,650 84,599 -7.1 3.6
June 81,698 85,979 -6.8 -5.0
2Q 263,653 252,399 44.8 4.5
July 89,771 78,508 9.9 14.3
August 83,953 74,610 -6.5 12.5
September 95,517 96,807 13.8 -1.3
3Q 269,241 249,925 2.1 7.7
October 112,735 98,916 18.0 14.0
November 106,871 86,465 -5.2 23.6
December 114,381 82,135 7.0 39.3
4Q 333,987 267,516 24.0 24.8
Annual 1,048,929 980,442 -- 7.0
2019 2018 MoM (%) YoY (%)
January 70,122 59,795 -18.2 17.3
February 54,351 57,942 -22.5 -6.2
March 86,126 78,364 58.5 9.9
1Q 210,599 196,101 -24.9 7.4
April 81,821 69,411 -5.0 17.9
May 84,599 79,360 3.4 6.6
June 85,979 89,107 1.6 -3.5
2Q 252,399 237,878 19.8 6.1
July 78,508 80,466 -8.7 -2.4
August 74,610 82,941 -5.0 -10.0
September 96,807 89,991 29.8 7.6
3Q 249,925 253,398 -1.0 -1.4
October 98,916 99,150 2.2 -0.2
November 86,465 95,451 -12.6 -9.4
December 82,135 85,703 -5.0 -4.2
4Q 267,516 280,304 7.0 -4.6
Annual 980,442 967,706 -- 1.3
2018 2017 MoM (%) YoY (%)
January 59,795 51,279 -20.0 16.6
February 57,942 57,034 -3.1 1.6
March 78,364 79,115 35.2 -0.9
1Q 196,101 187,428 -23.1 4.6
April 69,411 61,033 -11.4 13.7
May 79,360 70,121 14.3 13.2
June 89,107 82,606 12.3 7.9
2Q 237,878 213,760 21.3 11.3
July 80,466 70,523 -9.7 14.1
August 82,941 78,540 3.1 5.6
September 89,991 82,535 8.5 9.0
3Q 253,398 231,598 6.5 9.4
October 99,150 86,184 10.2 15.0
November 95,451 93,900 -3.7 1.7
December 85,703 74,778 -10.2 14.6
4Q 280,304 254,862 10.6 10.0
Annual 967,706 887,657 -- 9.0
2017 2016 MoM (%) YoY (%)
January 51,279 56,083 -28.5 -8.6
February 57,034 50,979 11.2 11.9
March 79,115 69,584 38.7 13.7
1Q 187,428 176,646 -14.6 6.1
April 61,033 46,306 -22.9 31.8
May 70,121 56,708 14.9 23.7
June 82,606 69,904 17.8 18.2
2Q 213,760 172,918 14.0 23.6
July 70,523 56,939 -14.6 23.9
August 78,540 64,599 11.4 21.6
September 82,535 76,347 5.1 8.1
3Q 231,598 197,885 8.3 17.0
October 86,184 76,880 4.4 12.1
November 93,900 70,813 9.0 32.6
December 74,778 71,669 -20.4 4.3
4Q 254,862 219,362 10.0 16.2
Annual 887,657 766,810 -- 15.8
2016 2015 MoM (%) YoY (%)
January 56,083 68,738 -32.6 -18.4
February 50,979 54,610 -9.1 -6.6
March 69,584 74,956 36.5 -7.2
1Q 176,646 198,304 -24.6 -10.9
April 46,306 61,634 -33.5 -24.9
May 56,708 64,545 22.5 -12.1
June 69,904 72,679 23.3 -3.8
2Q 172,918 198,858 -2.1 -13.0
July 56,939 60,127 -18.5 -5.3
August 64,599 64,225 13.5 0.6
September 76,347 91,547 18.2 -16.6
3Q 197,885 215,899 14.4 -8.3
October 76,880 73,097 0.7 5.2
November 70,813 77,893 -7.9 -9.1
December 71,669 83,173 1.2 -13.8
4Q 219,362 234,163 10.9 -6.3
Annual 766,810 847,306 -- -9.5
2015 2014 MoM (%) YoY (%)
January 68,738 53,474 -17.1 28.5
February 54,610 49,514 -20.6 10.3
March 74,956 67,584 37.3 10.9
1Q 198,304 170,572 -19.6 16.3
April 61,634 57,168 -17.8 7.8
May 64,545 68,001 4.7 -5.1
June 72,679 76,706 12.6 -5.2
2Q 198,858 201,875 0.3 -1.5
July 60,127 69,603 -17.3 -13.6
August 64,225 72,391 6.8 -11.3
September 91,547 84,850 42.5 7.9
3Q 215,899 226,844 8.6 -4.8
October 73,097 81,142 -20.2 -9.9
November 77,893 82,445 6.6 -5.5
December 83,173 82,922 6.8 0.3
4Q 234,163 246,509 8.5 -5.0
Annual 847,306 845,701 -- 0.2
2014 2013 MoM (%) YoY (%)
January 53,474 57,184 -17.3 -6.5
February 49,514 45,286 -7.4 9.3
March 67,584 64,756 36.5 4.4
1Q 170,572 167,226 -11.8 2.0
April 57,168 57,124 -15.4 0.1
May 68,001 53,018 18.9 28.3
June 76,706 57,001 12.8 34.6
2Q 201,875 167,143 18.4 20.8
July 69,603 50,865 -9.3 36.8
August 72,391 52,102 4.0 38.9
September 84,850 61,937 17.2 37.0
3Q 226,844 164,904 12.4 37.6
October 81,142 62,774 -4.4 29.3
November 82,445 65,973 1.6 25.0
December 82,922 64,672 0.6 28.2
4Q 246,509 193,419 8.7 27.4
Annual 845,701 692,748 -- 22.1
2013 2012 MoM (%) YoY (%)
January 57,184 43,872 -5.3 30.3
February 45,286 58,242 -20.8 -22.2
March 64,756 59,640 43.0 8.6
1Q 167,226 161,754 -9.3 3.4
April 57,124 50,491 -11.8 13.1
May 53,018 51,587 -7.2 2.8
June 57,001 62,822 7.5 -9.3
2Q 167,143 164,900 -0.0 1.4
July 50,865 56,041 -10.8 -9.2
August 52,102 51,719 2.4 0.7
September 61,937 65,153 18.9 -4.9
3Q 164,904 172,913 -1.3 -4.6
October 62,774 60,410 1.4 3.9
November 65,973 63,576 5.1 3.8
December 64,672 60,358 -2.0 7.1
4Q 193,419 184,344 17.3 4.9
Annual 692,748 683,914 -- 1.3
2012 2011 MoM (%) YoY (%)
January 43,872
February 58,242 32.8
March 59,640 2.4
1Q 161,754
April 50,491 -15.3
May 51,587 2.2
June 62,822 21.8
2Q 164,900 1.9
July 56,041 -10.8
August 51,719 -7.7
September 65,153 26.0
3Q 172,913 4.9
October 60,410 -7.3
November 63,576 5.2
December 60,358 -5.1
4Q 184,344 6.6
Annual 683,914 693,127 -- -1.3

consolidated financial statements

financial statements

Condensed Financial Statements ( parent compay only )

investor conference presentation and media

Presentation deck

Conference video

tax policy

Tax paid in all jurisdiction in 2022

Unit: TWD thousands

Years 2022
jurisdiction Income tax paid Percentage (%)
Asia 2,638,748 99%
Others 17,641 1%
Total 2,656,389 100%

Tax information for 2021~2022

Unit: TWD thousands

Items 2021 2022 Average
Earning before tax 17,467,835 10,724,130 14,095,983
Income tax expense 3,727,347 2,182,603 2,954,975
Effective tax rate (%) 21.34% 20.35% 20.96%
Effective tax paid 1,990,003 2,656,389 2,323,196

Compal's effective tax rate in 2022 is 20.35%, which is lower than the industry average of 22.5%, mainly because the statutory profit enterprise income tax in Taiwan is 20%, which is also lower than the industry average. Compal enjoys tax credits for investment in research and development expenditures, resulting in the company's effective tax rate in 2022 being lower than the industry average.