Occupational Health and Safety

Health& Safety
Compal knows that employees, contractors, suppliers and workers are all important assets in the sustainable development of a company. Compliance with Occupational Safety and Health Act and other applicable requirements is therefore mandated during the development, testing, and mass production of company products. We also hope that all employees can grow in a safe working environment. We have therefore defined an Environmental Safety and Health Policy (ESH Policy), established an Occupational Safety Management System, regularly host disaster prevention and firefighting drills, promote environmental safety training, and provide employees with places to relax physically and mentally outside of work. By boosting the physical and mental satisfaction of employees, we can prevent occupational injuries due to unsafe behavior, environment and equipment, and reduce the likelihood of absenteeism to give employees peace of mind at work and a healthy lifestyle.
Compal Environment Health and Safety Policy: 
Occupational Safety and Health Management System Certification
To protect the occupational safety of employees at work, we have not only established the Environmental Safety and Health Policy but also established relevant procedures and documents of the “Occupational Safety and Health Management” at each plant site in order to rigorously control details of each workplace. In addition, we further request each plant site to obtain the ISO45001:2018Note certification in order to ensure that employees and all workers stationed in the plant sites are not exposed to hazards at work, or suffer from injuries due to erroneous operations. The certification includes the items of occupational hazards identification, emergency response measures, contractor management, etc. Through procedural document control and repetitive verification of PDCA, the employee occupational safety can be implemented. The occupational safety and health management system applies to all working personnel (including stationed workers) at the plant site. In addition, each plant site is requested to implement educational training.
Note: Article 18 of “Occupational Safety and Health Act” in Taiwan stipulates that When there is a concern of a potential imminent danger at a workplace, the employers or people responsible for the worksite shall immediately issue orders to halt work and withdraw laborers to a safe location. The employers shall not dismiss, reassign, forego payment of wages for the period of work, or otherwise impose unfavorably treatment on laborers taking actions prescribed in the preceding paragraph. Overseas plants are not subject to the laws and regulations of R.O.C., but their internal regulations are all modeled on the requirements of plants in Taiwan and the OSH management system certification.

Access Control Implementation
To comply with the ISMS (Information Security Management System) regulations, employees are required to wear employee identification badges at all time in the plant site for identification. The access card system at each entrance and exit controls personnel's access authority. For clients, suppliers, and other visitors, a security system is used to record the time of visit, the number of visitors, and regulate the areas and time open to visitors. Compal's security personnel work 24 hours a day to control entry of personnel and objects, perform safety inspections day and night inside and outside plants, monitor the presence of visitors and overtime workers, check incoming/outgoing vehicles, and perform traffic control.

Workerplace Environment Monitoring
To provide a safe workplace and community for our staff and residents, each plant is staffed with a unit responsible for routine inspection and maintenance, as well as identifying hazardous factors in the work environment. Example: Transportation and electrical safety measures, safety inspection measures, drinking water testing, emergency lighting testing, smoke detector testing, firefighting equipment inspection, lightning protection testing, wastewater testing. Environmental monitoring in the workplace is arranged by each plant twice a year to measure the chemicals present or used on-site. Testing covers office illumination, CO2 concentration, electromagnetic radiation absorption, organic solvent concentration in the laboratory, noise, and chemical monitoring.
OSH-Compliance in Procurement Management
To ensure a safe and healthy environment for employees, the procurement of all machinery, equipment, raw materials and personal protection equipment used by the Company, as well as all building and construction work must stipulate supplier or contractor compliance with laws, regulations, and OHS specifications. Compliance must be verified during acceptance and before start of construction to reduce employee exposure to OSH hazards in the environment.
Workers Safety Exercise and Education
Compal implements employee safety educational training courses to allow employees to understand the safety of the plant site and possible hazardous risks. In addition, the Company also assist employees to understand the disaster level and response measures, escape moving lines etc. according to the“Emergency Response Measure Management Procedures”and no disciplinary actions are imposed on employees leaving works due to emergency evacuationNote. In addition, we cooperate with the regional fire department to implement fire prevention training and annual fire education. We designed teaching materials on the proper response to fire, storms, flooding and earthquakes for online e-learning or physical classes. Employees must also sit an exam after the course and pass to complete the training. To help raise employee awareness on everyday disaster prevention concepts, the Company conducts live exercise on fire, the most common type of disaster, to teach employees what actions to take and what to watch out for. Fire drills are conducted every year at all plants worldwide and posted on the intranet for employees to view. The fire drills of the R&D Center and each plant are held in compliance with the times and hours of the law and regulation. A total of 37 labor-management meetings and occupational health and safety committee meetings were convened by each plant.
Note: Article 18 of“Occupational Safety and Health Act”in Taiwan stipulates that When there is a concern of a potential imminent danger at a workplace, the employers or people responsible for the worksite shall immediately issue orders to halt work and withdraw laborers to a safe location. The employers shall not dismiss, reassign, forego payment of wages for the period of work, or otherwise impose unfavorably treatment on laborers taking actions prescribed in the preceding paragraph. Overseas plants are not subject to the laws and regulations of R.O.C., but their internal regulations are all modeled on the requirements of plants in Taiwan and the OSH management system certification.








Occupational Safety and Health Committee

An Occupational Safety and Health Committee has been established by Compal Taiwan in accordance with the law. Overseas plants hold regular meetings under the occupational safety and health management system. The OSH Committee is made up of management and employee representatives. Employee representatives speak for all employees and engage with the management on occupational safety matters to facilitate communication and consultation between company departments, throughout the company hierarchy, and relevant external units/bodies, as well as ensure a safe working environment for employees.

We explicitly specify the responsibilities of the management and employee representatives according to the management of the “Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety Handbook,” “Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety Policy Establishment Policy,” “Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety Internal Audit Management Procedures” of the plant sites, and through the procedures of “Environmental Safety Improvement Communication Procedures.” Employee representatives shall participate in the development and review of safety and health policies and relevant procedures.

Prior to the meeting, if any unit has doubts or specific recommendations on the current method, it can be submitted to relevant units, such as the Occupational Safety Office. After the receiving unit receives the notice, the “Environmental Safety Improvement Recommendation Form” is completed in order to feed back issues to relevant units, executing unit, thereby facilitating swift resolution of such issues. If such issue cannot be resolved timely, it will be discussed in the committee meeting.

Emergency Response Measures and Occupational Disaster Investigation
Each plant area is equipped with Emergency Preparedness and Response Measures, and the documents explain in detail the “Risk Description”, “Emergency Organization and Responsibility”, “Prevention and Internal Notification”, “Emergency Response”, “External Information Release”, “Follow-up Treatment”, etc., and the handling procedures of various risks are listed in detail.

In the event of any injuries due to occupational or natural disasters at a Compal plant, the unit involved must follow procedure and notify the head of the unit and other relevant units in accordance with the OSH management system. An investigation form must also be filled out to activate the investigation mechanism. An occupational disaster investigation should cover a minimum of two areas, namely the environment (environment and equipment configuration, medium of injury, OSH measures, location of disaster), people (how the disaster happened and rescue efforts, the state of the victim at the time, normal or routine operating procedures/methods, whether there were witnesses, description of the situation and opinions). Handling of traffic accidents: If a vehicle transporting Compal products is involved in an accident off-site, this should be reported to its transportation company immediately and the Occupational Safety Office notified as well. If there is any damage or injury to the vehicle or personnel, the local police should be notified. Handling of accident injuries (including death, disability injury, minor injury, and traffic accident injury when commuting): The direct supervisor should be notified first and then the involved individual taken to hospital for examination and first-aid. The head of the involved unit must notify the Occupational Safety Office within 3 hours no matter how light or severe the injury. In Taiwan, the occupational disaster statistics are compiled on a monthly basis and reported online to the local inspection mechanism by the Occupational Safety Office in accordance with regulations. A detailed reporting process is executed according to the procedural documents.

According to regulations, all plants of Compal only sign cooperation contracts with legitimate Human Resource agency companies, and all of the hired security, kitchen, cleaning personnel etc. shall be protected by the contract. In case where the workers are subject to accidents, the reports to their direct team leader or management personnel are made first, following which the plant supervisor shall conduct a field confirmation, in order to assist the injured personnel with the hospital treatment and insurance claim.

Absentee Rate

Compal is committed to establishing and maintaining a safe and healthy workplace environment to reduce employee absentee due to illness and injuries, thereby achieving stable organizational productivity.
2023 Target: 2% absentee rate with 100% global coverage. (Target achieved)
 2020-2023 Absentee Rate 2020 2021 2022 2023
Absentee Rate 3% 2% 6% 2%
Coverage 100% 100% 100% 100%
Note 1: Absentee rate calculations does not include leave that was planned by employees or approved in advance including national public holidays, maternity leave, paternity leave, special leave, and annual travel leave; all other leave applications due to employee injury, illness, or personal reasons included in the calculation. These include: work-related injury leave, case leave, sick leave, maternity leave, abortion leave, and menstrual leave.
Note 2: Absentee rate equation: No. of absentee days from global employees / No. of days worked by global employees during the accounting period x 100%

Note 3: COVID-19 led to strict restrictions in of the Company’s regions in 2022. Due to regional quarantine policies in each region, the absentee rate was somewhat higher than the previous years.
Occupational Safety Management Procedures
An Compal plants employ the following OSH management procedures to strengthen their safety management and minimize occupational disasters.

Updated on July 18,  2024