Customer Service
Customer approval is crucial to Compal’s success. We provide customers with the highest quality products and services, and maintain a positive partnership with our customers. Innovation and improvement is maintained from product design, R&D, manufacture to after-sales service. All plants have obtained ISO 9001:2015 international certification and introduced the QC 080000 hazardous substance management process with regular updates on the latest global environmental regulations and customers’ environmental standards. We constantly improve our quality management capability, work closely with customers, and continue to expect the highest quality standards from our supply chain to ensure that the quality policy is being properly enforced. There were no major quality incidents at Compal in 2023.
Product Development Process

Customer Satisfaction
The scores from QBR(Quarterly Business Review)of key OEM customers that account for 90% of overall revenue are collected every year to serve as a basis for gaging customer satisfaction. The six performance dimensions covered by the assessment are pricing, R&D, manufacturing, quality, service and sustainability. These are used to measure delivery performance and execution efficiency; how key OEM customer partners rate Compal relative to our competitors are also quantified, and QBR are weighted based on the revenue distribution for each customer to derive overall satisfaction with Compal for the year. Changes in the score are also tracked. To take customer satisfaction more seriously, protect customer rights, as well as accurately track market dynamics and developments, feedback from QBR of key OEM customer partners was supplemented in 2023 by Compal satisfaction surveys for new customers to make customer satisfaction a more representative indicator; customer feedback is also used to strengthen interaction/communication, form a positive feedback loop for collective growth, and forge a stable, mutually beneficial partnership.
Note: To reflect customer satisfaction more accurately, the measurement methodology has been revised from solely using QBR (Quarterly Business Review) performance to a hybrid approach, as passed by internal resolution in 2024. It now incorporates the QBR scores of key OEM customers and the customer satisfaction survey results for other new customers. This provides a more comprehensive and valuable reference for our overall customer satisfaction.
To facilitate customer satisfaction management for 2024, the measurement methodology will be applied retroactively to 2023 data. Accordingly, the customer satisfaction data disclosed on Compal ESG web differs from those reported in the 2023 annual report and ESG report.
Customer Complaints Process
Quality of service is upgraded by Compal through a standardized system. When a quality issue is reported by the customer, the Quality Management unit analyzes the problem and make improvements. This ensures a swift response to customer feedback by the relevant departments and the provision of short- and long-term solutions. In addition, Compal continues to monitor the effectiveness of solutions to reduce or prevent the recurrence of issues. We ensure that quality performance standards are met at every stage, from R&D and design, to mass production and service. These measures will help improve operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.
Customer Privacy
The protection of confidential customer data is one of the most important issues to Compal We not only adhere strictly to the relevant laws, commitments, and purchasing contracts signed with customers, but are also continuing to invest in upgrades to cyber security, operational security at plants, and application safety of technologies to protect private and confidential customer data. A continuous improvement mechanism ensures customer privacy and safety. There were no complaints relating to violations of customer privacy or leaks at Compal during 2023.
Updated on July 9, 2024