Cherishing the Green Planet

Ecology Protection 

In response to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by the United Nations, with 13th item“Climate Action”and 14th item "Life below Water" to be persistently implemented in 2023 as the main approach, our Actions as below:

 Encouraged employees to participate in environmental volunteering activities on their own initiative.
 Continue to support the UN 30 (ocean) x 30 (land) project.
 Promote environmental education and coastal clean-ups.
 Organize ecological courses on learning about local bio-diversity.
 Use our corporate influence to participate in environmental initiatives.poorly lit reading environments at home.

2023 Outcomes:

2022 Outcomes:

1. 87 employees and families registered for the joint corporate coastal clean-up event for Neihu Technology Park companies being held for the 3rd year at Jinshan-Wanli. More than 600 people took part in the coastal clean-up and removed approximately 911 kg of ocean waste from Yuantan River mouth and the beaches at Xialiao and Dingliao.
15 employees from the Green Life Style Club took part in the “Chinese Crested Tern Conservation Action” seminar to learn about the conservation project for the critically endangered Chinese Crested Tern.
44 employees from the Green Life Style Club and their families joined Unicom Global on a coastal clean-up in Wanli- Xialiao.
Five wetland conservation c lasses and tours of the mangroves were conducted. The 202 participants included Compal employees and their families. 606 person-hours of ecological education were conducted.
Compal participated in the “Doing Something for Danshui River” joint initiative introducing the ecosystem of the Danshui River basin.

Support Local Agriculture

The “Eco-friendly Agriculture” farming method takes water and soil resources, ecological environment, and biodiversity into consideration. Land with this farming method can not only be used for farming, but also for the experience of being and life. Yet it needs more maintenance since it is easier to encounter the challenge of natural disasters and pest damage.

We invited Ru-men Yang, who was farming in Jingshan under contract to promote his ideas and fresh rice in 2017. We also continued to support Liming Xiangyang Welfare House leading people with disabilities to do farming, stock farming, and gardening in the non-polluted nature environment in Hualien. We asked employees to purchase gift boxes on holidays and let the farmers sell products on-site regularly to support eco-friendly agriculture and help promotion.


Maintain the Urban ecological island- Compal Park

With dense buildings in the Neihu Science Park, the structure of the concrete buildings and the asphalt roads tends to bring the Urban Heat Island Effect. Therefore, Compal adopted the 2nd Zhouzi eco-friendly park since 1996, and we named it the “Compal Park”. We also constructed a green hanging garden on the 8th floor of the Compal building, hoping to soothe the Urban Heat Island Effect within limited space and to reduce the temperature around in the summer. It could also reduce the electricity use of the building, increase the permeability and decrease the surface runoff when it’s storming, purify the air, serve as a green recreation place, and build a stepping stone for creatures. With our intent management and maintenance, the Compal Park has always been listed in the front in the audit of the Taipei Air Quality Purification Area these years.

Green Experience Activity

Compal encourages employees to care for the land we live in and find ways to "co-exist" with the environment. Through physical participation, we hope to make employees appreciate the wonders of a green and sustainable environment, and reflect these values through action at work and in life. As a result, we brought enterprise environmental education into the employees’ training and green experience activity. Since 2017, we held educational activities of knowing and promoting sustainable seafood, organic contracted agriculture, visiting the NTU museum to learn about the immigration culture of Taiwan and the ferns, visiting the north coast to learn about the algae reef and coral reef, visiting the Guandu Natural Park to learn about natural ecology, and hand-making eco-friendly hand-made soap and desserts with current seasonal fruits. We also encouraged employees to bring their children along to cultivate green values and an environmentally ethical concept from a young age. At the same time arousing employees’ respect and love for nature, learning how to be a more competent keeper of the Earth.

In 2020, we held an eco-tour guide to take everyone to visit and introduce the ecology and historical sites of the Danshui Estuary. Colleagues take their children to participate, learn about the rich ecology of the Danshui Estuary, and jointly protect this beautiful with both human history and natural ecology environment.

Updated on July 26, 2024