Human Rights Due Diligence

Compal is committed to establishing a working environment that respects human rights with dignity, and to including this commitment as one of its core values. Compal conducts human rights impact assessment at all plant sites in accordance with the RBA Code of Conduct, and also reviews and establishes human rights related policies, procedures and plans. In addition, the human rights risk levels of each plant site are identified, and periodic review and improvement follow-ups are performed, in order to ensure the comprehensive implementation of human rights protection work through due diligence regarding human rights.

Compal's Human Rights Policy

Management Mechanism

A: Convene meetings periodically and routinely, propose discussion on management status of topics and issues encountered to responsible units, and implement improvements. In addition, report the management status of topics to the ESG office periodically, and provide decisions on whether relevant projects are to be implemented or the management policy and strategy are to be revised. In case of encountering unanticipated topics, the meeting frequency is adjusted depending upon the situation.                                                                                                                                                   

B: Human rights training
All employees of Compal, regardless of whether they are direct or indirect employees, undergo education and training on human rights related topics, in order to prevent human rights issues occurring and to enhance employees' awareness regarding such issues. Based on consideration of factors such as the employee workplace and working hours, an online course delivery method, offering greater flexibility, has been adopted.

The human rights education and training content includes:

  1. Introduction to human rights related laws and regulations: “International Bill of Human Rights","United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights",“International Labour Organization Declaration of Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work",“Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises",“The United Nations' Ten Principles of United Nations Global Compact" (UNGC)”and the“Responsible Business Alliance Code of Conduct (RBA)”.
  2. Policy education: Compal's human rights policy, internal and external communication and complaint channel, future strategy and development goal.

Human Rights Due Diligence Process


Risk Matrix of Human Rights Topic Identification Results

To identity, assess and reduce the impact of human rights matters on Compal and its supply chain, a risk assessment framework has been established according to the RBA Code of Conduct. Compal performs risk assessment on plant sites based on the two quantitative risk matrices of occurrence probability and severity, in order to understand what risks may lead to human rights related risks.

Human Rights Risk Mitigation and Remediation

Low risk and medium risk human rights topics will be tracked continuously and possibilities of increased risk will be actively prevented. For high risk and material human rights topics, corresponding mitigation and remedial measures will be established in order to reduce the risk of human rights-related issues occurring.


⇒For details of the Human Rights Due Diligence Report, please refer to

Compal Electronics, Inc. Human Rights Due Diligence Report

Updated on February 1, 2024