Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)

As a global citizen, Compal is always concerned about changes in environment around the world. We understand that the reduction of carbon emission not only involves the conservation of energy but also requires the cultivation of environmental knowledge and acumen through our daily lives so that we can cultivate the right values and attitude while creating an environment that encourages carbon emission so that our employees will be able to reduce carbon emission and conserve energy in their day-to-day activities.

Climate Change Management

The impacts of global climate change and extreme weather are growing in severity. To actively respond to the risks and resulting opportunities brought about by climate change, Compal leveraged our existing governance structure and the recommended framework of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) to identify the climate change risks and opportunities of the Company so that effective response and management can be practiced.

Compal follows the TCFD framework, the Sustainability Development Scenarios (SDS) and Stated Policies Scenario (STEPS) proposed by the International Energy Agency (IEA), as well as the SSP1-2.6 and SSP-2-4.5 scenarios proposed by IPCC to examine the risks and opportunities for the Company under each scenario. The heads of each department were also brought in to identify material climate risks and opportunities so that response strategies and targets could be formulated. Follow-up and management was also conducted through quantitative and qualitative techniques. Related management actions were disclosed in accordance with the four core elements of TCFD:

Compal Structure for Climate Governance 

Compal Climate Risk Matrix 

Compal Climate Opportunity Matrix

Financial Impact of Risks and Opportunities Brought by Critical Climate Change

Updated on July 15, 2024