
2023 Compal ESG Insight

Compal 2023 Sustainability Report

2022 Compal ESG Insight

Compal 2022 Sustainability Report

Compal 2021 Sustainability Report

Compal 2020 CSR Reprot

Compal 2019 CSR Report

Compal 2018 CSR Report

Compal 2017 CSR Report

Compal 2016 CSR Report

Compal 2015 CSR Report

Compal 2014 CSR Report

Compal 2013 CSR Report

Compal 2012 CSR Report

Compal 2011 CSR Report

Compal 2010 CSR Report

謝謝您對仁寶永續報告書的關注,下載報告書前,請您回覆以下問題,並歡迎您點選以下重大性議題問卷連結填答,仁寶ESG Office感謝您。
We appreciate for your attention to our CSR Report, please respond the following question before you download it, and also we welcome you to click on the following links for the online survey for Compal's material topics and thank you for the help.

We wish to understand your relationship with Compal:





Survey of Compal material topics

Compal would like to respond to our stakeholders on the major non-financials information through ESG Report, the contents include Environmental safety, Social care, Employee training and welfare, Integrity management, and Corporate governance. In order to understand and respond to the stakeholders' expectations on the issue of concern, and further improve the information disclosure, we would like to ask your help to take about 2 minutes to fill in the on-line questionnaire.
