Labor Index

Employee Structure-by region

As of the end of December 2022, the total number of employees in our R&D center in Taiwan headquarters (including expatriates), plants in China and overseas (excluding expatriates) reached 50497 (9344 in Taiwan, 35148 in China, 805 in Brazil, and 5200 in Vietnam.) In addition, there are 231 dispatched workers in Taiwan, 8595 in China, and 3811 in Vietnam.

  Taiwan China Vietnam Brazil Worldwide
Number of employees 9,575 43,743 9,011 805 63,134
Percentage of employees 15.17% 69.29% 14.27% 1.28% 100.00%

Employee Structure-by racial

  Asian Black or
     African American
Hispanic or Latino White Others Total
Number of employees 62,324 41 1 305 463 63,134
Percentage of employees 98.72% 0.06% 0.00% 0.48% 0.73% 100.00%
Number of management 7,270 2 1 34 12 7,319
Percentage of management 99.33% 0.03% 0.01% 0.47% 0.16% 100.00%

Note 1:Management are section managers and above

Employee Structure-by gender

The global male to female gender ratio of Compal is 61.14% to 38.86%. This difference is caused by the type of work, not because of gender impact on employment opportunities, and the number of female managements has increased to 29.2%, which shows that enterprises have gradually taken gender equality issues into account in employment, and we set a goal to increase the proportion of female managements to 32% and the proportion of female employees to 40% by 2025, contributing to the realization of social gender equality.

  Male Percentage of Male Female Percentage of Female Total
Number of total employees 38,597 61.14% 24,537 38.86% 63,134
Number of total managements 5,182 70.80% 2,137 29.20% 7,319
Number of junior managements 1,497 65.54% 787 34.46% 2,284
Number of top managements 251 91.27% 24 8.73% 275
Number of managements in the sales department 135 49.63% 137 50.37% 272
Number of employees using STEM 8,791 72.14% 3,395 27.86% 12,186

Note 1:Junior managements are section managers
Note 2:Top managements are VP, Director and above 
Note 3:STEM workers use their knowledge of science, technology, engineering or mathematics in their daily responsibilities

2019-2022 Total Number of New Employees

Year 2019 2020 2021 2022
Total Number of New Employees 226,391 279,865 168,231 93,809

2019-2022 Percentage of open positions filled by internal candidates (internal hires)

Year 2019 2020 2021 2022
Percentage of open positions filled by internal candidates (internal hires) 17.5% 6.9% 17.4% 31.6%

2019-2022 Distribution of New Employees

Direct employees Indirect employees
Under 30 Age 31-50 Over 51 Under 30 Age 31-50 Over 51
Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
2019 130,867 40,755 29,373 20,725 5 42 2,210 1,079 1,009 300 25 1
2020 150,126 53,428 38,398 32,551 5 8 2,569 1,202 1,232 323 20 3
2021 98,485 31,950 20,624 11,668 19 44 2,564 1,325 1,175 348 24 5
2022 50,434 16,967 13,086 9,463 7 8 1,698 1,078 755 278 30 5

2019-2022 Employees Turnover Rate

Employees Turnover Rate 2019 2020 2021 2022
Total resignation rate 63.03% 37.15% 57.65% 64.01%
Voluntary resignation rate 62.60% 36.73% 56.22% 62.13%
Total resignation rate Male 43.93% 25.58% 37.50% 40.80%
Female 19.09% 11.58% 20.14% 23.21%
Voluntary resignation rate Male 43.67% 25.27% 36.68% 39.64%
Female 18.93% 11.46% 19.54% 22.49%
Total resignation rate Under 30 50.67% 27.32% 40.25% 41.32%
Age 30-50 12.22% 9.77% 17.25% 22.54%
Over 51 0.14% 0.06% 0.14% 0.15%
Voluntary resignation rate Under 30 50.51% 27.10% 39.80% 40.70%
Age 30-50 12.03% 9.61% 16.35% 21.39%
Over 51 0.06% 0.02% 0.07% 0.03%
Total resignation rate Taiwan 1.42% 0.89% 1.41% 3.37%
China 61.49% 35.81% 51.39% 57.07%
Brazil 0.11% 0.11% 0.32% 0.45%
Vietnam - 0.34% 4.52% 3.11%
Voluntary resignation rate Taiwan 1.32% 0.82% 1.29% 2.99%
China 61.26% 35.69% 50.47% 56.05%
Brazil 0.02% 0.01% 0.06% 0.04%
Vietnam - 0.21% 4.41% 3.05%
Total resignation rate Direct employees 59.14% 34.07% 51.65% 56.18%
Indirect employees 3.89% 3.08% 5.99% 7.82%
Voluntary resignation rate Direct employees 58.88% 33.76% 50.84% 55.46%
Indirect employees 3.72% 2.97% 5.38% 6.66%

Note : The above data does not include employees who joined and left within the current year.

Updated on July 11, 2023