COMPAL Releases 2018 Corporate Social Responsibility Report

2019 / 08/ 01

Compal released the Corporate Social Responsibility report (hereinafter called ‘CSR report’) in traditional Chinese, simplified Chinese and English, following GRI Standards in accordance to Core Option. In order to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information, the report was assured by SGS Taiwan Ltd. (SGS) and data against the AccountAbility AA1000 Assurance Standard (2008) Type II Moderate Level. The report involved the performances in Governance, Environment and Society in 2018 base on the analysis of stakeholder engagement and the topics of materiality. We also fully support the United Nations' goal of sustainable development (SDGs).

We welcome all of you to visit our CSR website, download and read our 2018 CSR report and as provide some feedback through our questionnaire on-line as well.

The 2010~2018 CSR reports are available under the Compal Corporate Social Responsibility website.