Compal x Acer "Environmental Mission II – Electronic Waste Recycling Campaign"
2019 / 07/ 11
Due to colleagues’ enthusiastic participation, the "Environmental Protection Mission II - Waste 3C Recycling Activity" set up collection points at Compal Electronics Headquarters and the SDBG building on July 11th to have colleagues remove electronic waste from their homes. Continuing the recycling of electronic waste during March, colleagues were encouraged to focus on “recycling high-priced” electronic waste to maximize everyone's loving efforts.
A total of 133 colleagues participated in the Environmental Protection Mission II, recycling approximately 379.1 kilograms of electronic waste. All of the money from recycling the electronic waste was donated to the “Taipei Orphan Welfare Foundation.” Compal Electronics supported Acer’s "Earth Recycling Program," taking action in supporting the company’s good partner while the company’s employees took practical actions to support the UN's goal for sustainability SDGs12 Responsible Consumption And Production, coming together to "Make the Earth happy, make orphans happy and make ourselves even happier!”