Donated materials by Compal are delivered to schools

2021 / 09/ 03

Since Covid19 epidemic has affected people’s livelihood and economy, it is why that Compal has, with the assistance of HCI Foundation, for the second year in a row distributed snacks and materials collected by the department of general utility from each of the Compal office buildings to the disadvantaged families. Thanks to the help from schools, these snacks and were distributes to 65 families so that the children can go home happily with a large box in their arms!

Compal and its colleagues have continued to respond and participate in various charity activities organized by HCI Foundation as it helps the poor and the disadvantaged. Of these activities, the focus is placed for improving the educational quality of the rural and disadvantaged students as well as developing their talents, and it is hoped that all students will grow up and become the pillars of our society with love and positive learning.